QTS with python3

what is QTS?

It is an embeded OS, deloy on NAS, develop by QNAP

QTS 4.3

install Python3

install python3 on QTS 4.3.3


  • TS-453 mini
  • QTS
# cat /proc/version 
Linux version 4.2.8 (root@U16BuildServer56) (gcc version 4.9.2 (toolchain config: [gcc-4.9.2 binutils-2.25 glibc-2.21]) ) #1 SMP Thu Apr 13 12:27:53 CST 2017

install python3 qpkg

  1. from qpkg center
  2. python3.5 qpkg
sh yourpackage.qpkg


the install package should place in path down below


you can see the readme, how to enter python3 env, but it’s not all

$ . /etc/profile.d/python3.bash

it miss the shebang path, you can see on vim /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Python3/src/bin/pip3


the qpkg install script not automatic link qpkg path to execute path


ln -s /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Python3/python3 /usr/local/python3