QTS with python3
what is QTS?
It is an embeded OS, deloy on NAS, develop by QNAP
install Python3
install python3 on QTS 4.3.3
- TS-453 mini
# cat /proc/version
Linux version 4.2.8 (root@U16BuildServer56) (gcc version 4.9.2 (toolchain config: [gcc-4.9.2 binutils-2.25 glibc-2.21]) ) #1 SMP Thu Apr 13 12:27:53 CST 2017
install python3 qpkg
- from qpkg center
- python3.5 qpkg
sh yourpackage.qpkg
the install package should place in path down below
you can see the readme, how to enter python3 env, but it’s not all
$ . /etc/profile.d/python3.bash
it miss the shebang path, you can see on vim /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Python3/src/bin/pip3
the qpkg install script not automatic link qpkg path to execute path
ln -s /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Python3/python3 /usr/local/python3