learn git

this post base refer Ry’s Git Tutorial

Git is a VCS(Version Control System), that is “Distributed”

Git repository 3 main components:

  1. the working directory
  2. the staged snapshot
  3. committed snapshots


  • git init :create a git repo in current folder, to show out, ls -al
  • git status :view the status of each file in a repository.
  • git add <file> :add file to stage(wait to commit)
  • git commit :commit to repo, using default editor to edit message
    • git commit -m "<message>" :directly cmd line to endter commit message
    • git commit -a -m "<message>" :Stage all tracked files and commit the snapshot using the specified message.
    • git commit --amend :Add staged changes to the most recent commit instead of creating a new one
  • git log :show the commit history
    • git log --oneline :show all history, but each commit only one line
    • git log --oneline <file> :only show the specified file, git history in one line style
  • git revert <commit-id> :Undo the specified commit by applying a new commit.
  • git tag -a <tag-name> -m "<description>" create an annotated tag pointing to the most recent commit.
  • git checkout <commit-id> :checkout to the repo version
    • git checkout <tag_name> :checkout the tag commit
    • git checkout <branch_name> :checkout to the branch
  • git reset --hard :Reset tracked files to match the most recent commit.
    • git reset :clean the stage
    • git reset <file> :clean the file in the stage
  • git clean -f :Remove untracked files.
  • git reset --hard / git clean -f :Permanently undo uncommitted changes.
  • git branch :View Existing Branches
    • git branch <branch-name> :Create a new branch using the current working directory as its base.
    • git checkout <branch-name> :Make the working directory and the HEAD match the specified branch.
    • git branch -d <branch-name> :Delete a branch, that already merged
    • git branch -D <branch-name> :Force the removal of an unmerged branch (be careful: it will be lost forever).
  • git merge <branch-name> :Merge a branch into the checked-out branch.
    • git merge --no-ff <branch-name> Force a merge commit even if Git could do a fast-forward merge, will has a merge commit
  • git rm <file> :Remove a file from the working directory (if applicable) and stop tracking the file.
  • git mv <file> :Rename or move the file
  • git rebase <new-base> :Move the current branch’s commits to the tip of <new-base>, which can be either a branch name or a commit ID.
    • git rebase -i <new-base> :Perform an interactive rebase and select actions for each commit.
    • git rebase --continue :Continue a rebase after amending a commit.
    • git rebase --abort Abandon the current interactive rebase and return the repository to its former state.
  • git reflog :Display the local, chronological history of a repository.
  • git reset --mixed HEAD~<n> Move the HEAD backward commits, but don’t change the working directory.
  • git reset --hard HEAD~<n> :Move the HEAD backward commits, and change the working directory to match.
  • git log <since>..<until> :Display the commits reachable from but not from . These parameters can be either commit ID’s or branch names.
  • git log --stat :Include extra information about altered files in the log output.


  1. nerver commit on a middle of HEAD to nowhere branch

you must checkout to master, or just create a new branch then checkout to it unless you are using rebase, it’s call dangling commit that cannot be reached from any branch and are thus in danger of being lost forever but the rebase will know will to go

  1. branch
  • topic branches :exist to develop a certain topic, then they are deleted

    • feature branch :longer-running type of topic branch it was created with the intention of developing a specific feature,
  • hotfix branch :create and test the news updates In contrast to our relatively long-running feature branch

  • rule-of-thumb

    • Create a new branch for each major addition to your project.
    • Don’t create a branch if you can’t give it a specific name.
  1. merge
  • fast-forward merge, has common history, and no conflict
  • 3-way merge may occur merge conflict

conflict will like below

<<<<<<< HEAD
<li><a href="news-1.html">Blue Is The New Hue</a></li>
<li><a href="rainbow.html">Our New Rainbow</a></li>
>>>>>>> crazy
  • <<<<<<< HEAD shows us the version in the current branch
  • after the ======= shows the version in the crazy branch.

list merge conflict file

git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U
  1. splite or rearrange commit
git rebase -i <new-base>