How to deploy gitlab page with pelican
如何在 gitlab page deploy 靜態網頁 static site
- push to gitlab
- gitlab CI phase 1.1: base docker image
- gitlab CI phase 1.2: base docker pull my pelican build image
- gitlab CI phase 1.3: base docker mapping source code into my pelican build image
- gitlab CI phase 2: my pelican build image generate static site
- finsih generate(確保最後產生 static file 要在 根目錄
我要用 CI base on dokcer image, 再用我自己的 image build, 卻遇到 docker daemon is not running error
docker:dind builds on docker:latest and starts a docker daemon as its entrypoint.
image: docker:latest variables: MOUNT_POINT: /builds/$CI_PROJECT_PATH services: - docker:dind
deploy static site, build test pass but deploy fail
因為 gitlab page deploy 要將 public 放在根目錄, 這是 gitlab 設計上的決策
Make it possible to define custom site directory within artifacts for GitLab Pages